Annex B: Consultation responses


·        A) One resident on York Road wrote in and supported the proposals, and commented they ‘believe that it will be a valued addition to the safety of pedestrians who wish to cross the road to and from the Ethel Ward playground and sports area. We look forward to it being in place’. They enquired if consideration may be given to the introduction of traffic calming measures and a reduction in speed to 20mph.


·        B) An enquiry was received from a possible potential house purchaser of a property on York Road to clarify the location of any proposed zig zag road markings, and possible parking restrictions.


·        C) An objection was received from the relative of a resident who lives close to the proposed crossing. She queried the time given to respond to the consultation letter was less than the indicated 2 weeks, has asked for information relating to the criteria used for selecting this location, results on the pedestrian and traffic surveys undertaken, details and input made by Ward Members, concerns regarding access to the property and exiting driveway, flashing and noise from beacons, and the general impact she says it could have on disabled access. She also goes on to suggest alternative locations and solutions, and reduction in speed limit on York Road. 


Officer response:

The consultation letters were verified as being hand delivered with the allowance of a full two week response time. Confirmation was given that the Zebra crossing could be accommodated in the location shown on the plan without affecting driveway access. The siting of a crossing facility between Holly Tree Lane and this proposal were considered but the presence of existing features such as bus stops and driveways etc ruled this out. Explanation was given that Zebrite beacons would be used providing LED lighting producing a more subtle illumination, becoming automatically darker at night, and no beeping noise is emitted.

The introduction of the crossing should help slow some drivers down which would have a positive impact on speed reduction. The previous Executive decision session meeting dates (and Agenda No.s) were referred to which authorised feasibility and further design work for these proposals. The proposal to proceed with this scheme will be a decision made by the Executive Member for Transport at the Executive Member Decision session on 03 November 2020. She was advised she could make a contribution to the meeting via the zoom online meeting platform or telephone.



·        D) An objection was received from another resident of York Road with concerns about the potential noise and light impact on herself and her neighbour, and also if an alternative solution could be considered by installing a pedestrian refuge island.


Officer response:-

Clarification was given of the modern type of Zebrite LED beacons used, their subtle lighting etc, and that no beeping noises are made. An explanation was also given that the existing width of York road carriageway would not permit a pedestrian traffic island, and this would not be as safe a crossing facility as a Zebra.


·        E) An objection was received from a York Road resident. She queried the time given to respond to the consultation letter was less than the indicated 2 weeks. Concerns were raised about previous publicity from the Ward Councillors indicating it appeared a decision had been made to install the crossing at this location. A request was made to view the full pedestrian and traffic surveys previously undertaken. Concerns were made of flashing beacons and beeping noise. Recommendations were made to locate the crossing elsewhere on York Road and install a 20mph zone.


Officer response:-

The consultation letters were verified as being hand delivered with the allowance of a full two week response time.


She was advised that Councillor Cuthbertson will be contacting her directly to address issues relating to the LibDem FOCUS newsletter. The consultation was not a fait accompli as Officers had looked at several site options and whittled it down to one following discussions with Ward members. Responses to the external consultation will be reported back to this decision session where a decision by the Executive Member would be taken on if to proceed, do further work/amendments, or to look at other sites.. Explanations were given on the number of areas considered for a crossing, the types of surveys undertaken, and the assessment criteria when considering the validity of a location for a crossing. The previous two Exec. Decision meeting dates were identified to explain how we have arrived to this point. Clarification was given on the use of modern zebrite beacons with subtle LED lighting that limit brightness, and there will be no audible beeping noises emitted. Assurance was given of enough suitable space being available to site a crossing in this location, and it would not have a negative impact on accessing/exiting the driveway. She was advised that she could make a contribution to the meeting via the zoom online meeting platform or telephone.